Thursday, April 17, 2014

Future Endeavors - (Living Document)

On this post, I will list processes I want to try in the future.

I love Chris McCaw's work titled Sunburn. I purchased his beautiful book and have been wanting to try something similar ever since. He puts negatives in large format cameras and takes long exposures of the sun moving across various landscapes. The negatives are not processed, they are created like a Lumen Print with the light affecting the negative directly.

I'd like to avoid burning holes in my film holders, so I am thinking about creating makeshift backs by cutting black matte board.

I plan to use my homemade 4x5 camera with the Schneider 47mm f/5.6 Super Angulon XL. Or maybe the Graflex Speed Graphic with 90mm.

In Camera Cyanotype Negative

In Camera Lumen Print
First attempt

Anthotypes with stuff like local flowers, blackberries, cheap red wine, spinach and local greens
First try with red wine
Toned Lumen Prints
Tried selenium

Lumen Prints on Film (expired 120 roll and 4x5 sheet)
On Fuji Sensia II 400

Use vegetable oil to make paper negatives clear

Chemigrams sounds easy and with endless creative possibilities
First attempt

Cyanotype on glass - using gelatine as a sub

Fish print Chemigrams

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