Sunday, April 13, 2014

Toning Silver prints

I tried Selenium, Sepia (oh the smell) and Blue Toner. The process for the Blue Toner and Selenium are the easiest with no need for bleaching. The Selenium toner is the more toxic of the two. The Sepia toner requires bleaching first, the a wash and then the toner. It smells very strong and will linger long after the chemicals are discarded.

 Blue Toner on Ilford Multigrade IV RC Deluxe Resin Coated VC Paper

No toner on Ilford Multigrade FB Warmtone Fiber Base Paper
Selenium on Ilford Multigrade IV RC Deluxe Resin Coated VC Paper
  (Increased contrast change only)
Selenium 3+1 on Ilford Multigrade FB Warmtone Fiber Base Paper

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