Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lumen Prints to 35mm film

I got some 13 year expired Fujichrome Sensia 400 and gave it a shot. I used two leaves and some palm fibers. I only exposed for one hour and the image is quite opaque. But on the emulsion side it is clearly visible.

Such a simple setup! (This is the second try)

Here is a scan of the film before fixing

Here is an edited version

Fixed and re-scanned. No apparent loss of detail and much improved contrast. The film is clear in places.

Here is the unfixed original of the second Lumen print

This is a negative of the original.
Fixed and rescanned. Much cleaner.

I made a couple more on the same film this afternoon. About a two hour exposure on the parsley and 3 hours with the chilli pepper. Still afraid to lose the image in the fixing process, I scanned them first.

Parsley on Sensia 400
Chili Peppers on Sensia 400
After fixing they were much easier to scan with better contrast and color but dusty, dusty. I was not very careful and hung them under an AC fan to dry. Lesson learned.

Chili Peppers


Some small delicate flowers.

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