Sunday, April 13, 2014

Noon Pinhole Camera

The Noon Pinhole camera takes 120 roll film and can make 6x6,6x19 or 6x12 centimeter negatives.

 A gentleman in Poland make these camera and sells them on EBay. His description in the auctions gives the following info:

"The Camera is handmade in every detail."

"The camera is made of Walnut wood (Juglans regia L.) - a kind of deciduous tree found in the Balkans, in south-eastern Europe,
south-west, central and East Asia and in the Himalayas and south-western China.
The camera is finished with beeswax mixed with tung oil."

I shot some T-MAX 100 in 6x12 format from the balcony of my apartment yesterday. These were 8 second exposures calculated by shooting a digital camera at ISO100, f16, 1/30 sec and increased exposure 8 stops for an equivalent exposure with an aperture of f214 (about 7.5 stops).

It was early morning and these were shot into a very bright rising sun.

Here are the scans of the negatives:

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