Sunday, June 8, 2014

More ideas

I want to try some things (things swirling in my head as I go to sleep)

1) gum print with film grain (iso 3200+) is the grain big enough to print and clear.

silver efex pro. ilford delta 3200 pro. maxed out at 1 grain per pixel and slider to "hard"

2) gum print with halftone dots. how big do the dots need to be to print

I have made halftone screens with frequencies of 6, 12, 25, and 50 lines per inch.

3) print step chart with gum oil. with exact measures, how much clears in 12 seconds? dry then re-etch. then duotones will be easier. need new bleach for this to be accurate.

4) gumoil with colored gum. in Karl Koenig's videos, his gum is easily visible. mine is too clear to see the etching easily.

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